Cancer Alternative Medicine






Searching for Cancer Alternative Medicines? I have done a search of my own and have experience and information to share.

Hi, my name is Grace MacCormick , diagnosed with-brain cancer . I had chemo in 2008-2009.  In my case, an operation was impossible  then metastasis to lung.   Metastasis is a terrible complication and my doctor quit on me.  He gave up but Not Me. I'll fight this cancer demon if it takes forever.  I have searched hard for Cancer Alternative Medicines & made a list of treatments 
available to fight cancer.

Alternative Medicines are many and varied and some are better with more healing and fighting abilities than others.

The list of remedies make a total of 22.                                     
How would people make a decision on several & choose the better one(s)?

When Modern Medicine is not the answer, I knew I wanted to hear from anyone who has tried a number of these & give their comments & experience .   
Many questions -- What alternatives were doing a lot to reverse the cancer ,   what was beneficial for healing, for improvement, for removing pain?

Also, I wanted information on what these products are, their ingredients.


Formulas means 2 ingredients or more . Are formulas better than one ingredient? Answer is YES.

Included in the list is info I have gathered about certain remedies or formulas – info that is relevant to choosing a better one compared to a less effective one.

I have used many of the remedies in my list and what I can give is what I know and experienced. I can not assure that my experiences with the products will have the same results on other people.

But I got enough knowledge and experience that certain remedies have more healing and more cancer fighting abilities than others.

Not all in this list are remedies I have tried. It is up to the reader to make decisions  what to use.


It is good at least to try a few so you can become familiar with how the alternative medicine works and later you can decide what is best for your particular cancer.



I would not be alive today without help from Cancer Alternative medicines. 



But the important thing is before I got totally healed, the Alternative meds gave me improvement such that I had enough strength to get back to being employed again and living again.

And when I got a new job I felt wonderful. I did come a long way.

I am a Cancer Survivor  !!! Yes !!!



Question: How To Find out if the Product has Healing Value to Treat cancer

Answer: Look up each herb to see if it has a history for treating cancers and tumors. Sometimes there are more info such as cures. If there is no info about a product being beneficial for cancer, there is no point of even using it. Most products that have been used for hundreds of years for cancer in most cases have healing value. Also, if the plant is found in researches and medical journals

and states which cancer it is applicable, it has good healing value.

A good cancer medicine usually works for several cancers for example – lung, breast, leukemia, lymphoma and other cancers. If it has no healing value, it is not worth your time or money.




The info gathered here includes Name of Product, Manufacturer or Source, Price, Formula, Availability, and Website if any.



IMPORTANT:  Cancers are fast growing Tumors - There is a need to slow them down.

For anyone serious about healing and even possibly getting CURED, one must switch to a vegetarian diet.  If you think medicines alone work, understand that an effort by the cancer patient is required.  What you eat is food that goes to the cancer too.   Slow the cancer down by lessening your intake of sugars and especially high protein by switching to plant-based foods.

Example - If there is say Chicken soup on the table, take the soup but not the meat!!!

Important STeps - If you are interested in improvement & healing there are additional measures to get better results before taking Alternative Medicines.

I. - Vitamins & minerals -make sure you get enough- if your diet does not supply enough of these necessary nutrients your health and healing would be lacking.   For example some people think that Vitamin D is not important but talking to the experts who really know, I have bbeen informed that Calcium is necessary for apoptosis ( cancer cell death)of cancer cells and Vitamin D is responsible for absorption and availability of calcium. 

Another example - Zinc & Selenium are minerals is necessary for proper function of cells and specially blood cells in fighting cancer.   So make sure you get enough of these.


II. - Aspirin or Ibuprofen - I was told by a Biochemist friend that all tumors produce Prostaglandin E (PGE).  PGE in the area of the tumor slows down white blood cell function - they lessen the entry of glucose into blood cells.  It is known that there are 2 cells or organs that use more glucose than most other tissues and these are brain cells and blood cells.  Aspirin & Ibuprofen work by reducing production of Prostaglandin E so this is important as part of treatment.  INdomethacin and Celebrex also work the same as Aspirin however, these need a prescription which is why aspirin & ibuprofen are recommended.

As for dosage - minimum dose is 2 aspirins morning and night, for ibuprofen minimum dose is 2 tablets of 200 mg. ibuprofen.

You may go for 3 of each twice a day.  


III- Replace sugar with artificial sweeteners.  Stevia is the best because it is a natural sweetner.  Second choice is Sucralose and/or Splenda which is not much absorbed from the digestive system.  If cost is a problem then then other sweetners will have to do but I've read of problems with cyclamate & Aspartame.   


IV. Remove heavy metals from the system - one way is sodium alginate, and cilantro leaves. If you add pectin it is even more effective. Please look this up. I have given you the ingredients– many sites explain how these work. Alginates is also found in kelp sea weed except kelp has fishy taste.


My List of Cancer  Alternative medicines-

From the list below the following I have tried for my healing – 1. Essiac formula 2. Shark Cartilage 3. Jason Winters tea 4. bitter apricot kernels  5. Oriel Herbs formula 6. TTG Formula 7. Astragalus 8. Cesium chloride  9. Euphorbia hirta 10. Paw paw leaves 13. DCA 14. Carnivora


Once I used Oriel Herbs Formula for my cancer, I felt it was superior than many of the others.

But later TTG Formula became available & I noticed these 2 work very well together.


Oriel Herbs formula is #9 from the list below. I recommend cancer patients to at least try it since it has many good qualities and has given me healing far and beyond what other formulas have done for me. TTG Formula is #10. I recommend both but you decide.

Once you have used it, you can try the others and compare & observe for yourself what will give you the most benefit.

When the TTG Formula became available I have used them together and noticed the TTG with Oriel Herbs makes a difference. I somehow knew Oriel & TTG work in the direction of farther healing and improvement.

At some point, I become totally healed with these combination.

But people might think since both these 2 are from the same company, I might be paid for recommending their products.

When I was younger,  my mother said that good tools are usually made in Germany and the U.S.

Well, when you find good quality goods, it is possible that the manufacturer is doing something different from others. It is something like Germany & U.S. make good products in the past, well, they still do at the present.

I believe those who create excellent work or products will usually continue to do more of the same.

Good Luck!!!

1.)   Essiac Formula by various Manufacturers

Essiac Formula is one of the most popular herb formulas for Cancer.  It was first made available by Nurse Rene Caisse who gave it the name which is Caisse spelled backwards.  There are 2 versions of the Essiac Formula.  One is Burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark and Turkey rhubarb and the second version is Burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, Turkey rhubarb, kelp seaweed, Blessed thistle, Watercress and Red Clover.

      The second version seems to be the right one but the remaining ingredients are in much smaller quantities than just the first 4 ingredients.  The good thing about Essiac is that it is indicated for just about all types of cancers and the formula is quite safe for use, there is no danger of toxicity.

  There are several sources for Essiac with costs all varying – they are found in most search engines. Just place essiac on the box and press search. 

There are so many on the internet, just google Essiac and do a search.


2. )  Shark Cartilage - it is said that sharks do not get cancer. Sharks do not have bones, instead they have cartilage. It is true that  several experiments have shown angiogenesis is inhibited by cartilage.   Actually cartilage therapy is not that simple to apply. I have tried shark cartilage capsules. A Capsule contains 500 mg. Shark cartilage and the dose is a lot of capsules. However, the cancer cells seem to make their own adjustments when new medicines are used. In my experience, I started with 8 capsules a day and for a while there was improvement. But when one goes several weeks on this, I believe the cancer increased its efforts to work against the cartilage by being more active and this meant the 8 capsules effective at the start had be increased and in my case to 12 capsules. There is no toxicity with cartilage but even at 12 capsules, the cancer again adjusts itself and works harder. I believe the tumors were throwing off more chemicals in my body because I felt nausea, constipation and uneasy.

Is it the cancer working harder to counter my treatment or am I reacting to the high doses of cartilage? I've read that high doses of cartilage can also cause symptoms.

I also had a discussion with someone who said the dosage should be 16 capsules per day. In any case, I had to stop this and find something less complicated for treatment.

There are many sources of shark cartilage capsules, I've seen them downtown and many in the internet.

One source is





 3.) Tumoclear - from CA, USA Chinese name is Kang Zhong Pian

Formula below


Scientific name

Herba Sarcandrae
Herba Scutellariae Barbatae
Herba Salviae Chinensis
Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi
Herba Hedyotis Diffusae also called Oldenlandia diffusa
Rhizoma Paridis

TCM Pin Yin name

(Zhong Jie Feng)
(Ban Zhi Lian)
(Shi Jian Chuan)
(Yi Yi Ren)
(Bai Hua She She Cao)
(Qi Ye Yi Zhi Hua)

Directions from the supplier

For adults, take 6 tablets with water or juice 2 to 3 times daily or consult your herbalist. One bottle lasts 11 to 17 days. 

The dose may be doubled for a quicker and stronger response as needed (e. g., in an acute phase or with heavy body weight). 




4. ) Jason Winters’ Tea (by Jason Winters International) contains herbalene, red clover, Indian Sage and special spices. There are ingredients in the tea that are not listed.


Jason Winters was an adventurer who was diagnosed with neck cancer that became life threathening. He got herb formulas from various sources and combined them as treatment for his cancer and got cured. The tea is based on the same formula made available for cancer therapy.

  The tea is available as dried herbs, you measure with a teaspoon and prepare as tea . Also comes in capsules for oral dosing. Some folks reported this tea is satisfactory.

Price: Range from $13 to $17 depending on source and cheaper if it is a sale.

 One Month supply cost around $18 to $23 depending on supplier.

I have used Jason Winters Tea, the taste is exactly tea because that is what it is. But the active ingredients that fight the cancer is not mentioned. I happen to visit my MD, he did a routine exam and the results came back w/ my ALT and AST enzymes elevated which is usually a sign of liver damage. But ALT is also found in the muscles. AST is also found in cardiac and skeletal muscles. When I stopped taking Jason's Tea, the elevated enzymes went down to normal. If you take this tea, it would be proper that at some point, have yourself examined for these enzymes since it is a sign of injury to certain cells and not just the liver. Due to this symptoms, I had to stop taking this therapy.


Jason Winters Tea is available everywhre - iHerb,com sells it and, so many sources


 5.) Nerium oleander – has gained some attention and according to some articles Nerium has applications for treating several illnesses namely : HIV/Aids, Hepatitis C, some autoimmune diseases and cancers. 
There is also a yahoo group with info on treating diseases using oleander

the website is

The Yahoo group is moderated by Tony Isaacs , author of “ Cancer's Natural Enemy”, where Tony promotes Oleander soup therapy for the various illnesses listed above .

Because of Anvirzil by Ozelle and this yahoo group, I have become more interested in gathering info on Nerium oleander.


There is a recipe how to prepare Oleander soup by Tony Isaacs, one of the internet sites is:

There is something not right about this recipe – it tells you to get a 12 cup capacity pot and you start dosing at ¼ teaspoon a day and adjust higher at intervals until you reach 3 tablespoons per day. But important info is missing, there is no mention of the volume water to use and most of all how much of oleander. In fact , several sites on the internet also feature Tony Isaacs recipe but again you will never know the volume water nor the weight of herbs to use. It is all a trick bringing peoples interests up and it all seems simple & easy with making a lot of talk that you can prepare this at home. And finally, when people are willing to give this a try, the info is insufficient to even start.

In fact you will know you have been tricked, imagine several people, let us consider 3 people all at different weights, say one is 100 lbs, a 2nd at 150 lbs and a 3rd at 210 lbs, it is clear all 3 can not have the same dose, and yet the instructions are the same , it is up to you to adjust the dose but you would not know how to dose since too much can be poison and we are all blind as to the correct dose.


6.)  C
esium chloride - I joined a cancer discussion group and exchange info from 2 members about their experience using Cesium. How does it work? Salt-Sodium Chloride is important for all animals and humans, we can not live without it. The cesium and sodium are similar ions and cancer cells will accept the cesium instead of sodium. Supposedly if more cesium is replaces the sodium, the cancer becomes less functional. I did this regimen for 4 and a half months.

    But of the cancer discussion group lady who encouraged me to use this, I got an email from her husband that she passed away. I was shocked. Altho cesium does move into improvement, it does not have enough ability to fix. I contacted other cancer folks if there are really enough cures from cesium. Most were really not sure so I stopped this treatment.

    Cesium chloride has many suppliers, the internet can help find them.



7.   Tian Xian is strange considering there are 2 different formulas from various manufacturers and all claiming to be THE Tian Xian formula.


Tian Xian


Cordyceps (caterpillar mushroom)


Ganoderma lucidum (or reishi mushroom)

Panax ginseng root

Atractylodes macrocephalae rhizoma

Batatatis Rhizoma (Dloscorea batatas)

Codonopsis Root (Codonopsis pilosula)

Patchouli Leaves (Pogostemon cablin)

Lycium barbarum - Wolfberry Fruit

Pearl Powder (Margarita)

Glossy Privet Fruit (Ligustrum lucidum AIT)

Glycyrrhizae glabra -  Licorice this site states other Tian Xian formulas are fake



 Then the 2nd version different formula

Radix Ginseng 10%

Margarita 2,5 %

Radix Astragalt 10%

Borneolum 2,5%

Rhizoma Atractylodis  5%

Radix Trichosanthis 5%

Clematis Root 5%

Hedyotis Diffuse Wild 15%

Solanium Nigrum L. 5%

Indigo Naturalis 15%

Ligustrum Lucidum Ait 2,5%

Radix Glycyrrhizae 2,5%

Polyporus 10%

Fei Ursi 5%

Radix Aucklandiae 5%

2nd WebSite:

Tian Xian      Cost for 28 day supply-U.S.$650.00  




 8. ) Astragalus membraneous root – I found these in Chinese Herbs shops and can be recognized because they are long and have the shape of tongue depressors, I have also seen a few at Western Herb stores which were smaller broken pieces ready for brewing into solution. Astragalus and Euphorbia (# 16) are similar in that both are good for stimulating the immune system to produce Interferon – gamma. 
It is safe for use and is commonly used in various formulas for healing.

9.)   Oriel Herbs Formula by Lux Health Resources , British Columbia, Canada.                  Oriel Herbs Formula is a combination of 7 ingredients:  
  Catharanthus roseus
  Podophyllum also known as Mayapple 
  Veratrum nigrum 

The first 3 herbs listed are as poweful as chemo and are sources for chemo drugs. The above formula has given me new healing which I have not experienced from previous formulas.

I like this formula since it is non-toxic and safe to use.  It is effective against the pain associated with cancer.  This is a strong criteria when choosing a herb formula.
And lastly, my improvement with this had gone to a point where I had enough strength and improved health to apply for a job and got employed again.

 The New formula is based on the discovery of Dr. Glenn Rosen -
Briefly , Dr. Rosen found Chemo and drugs belonging to this class when combined with Triptolide – the active principle of Thundergod vine has a synergistic effect. Triptolide works with several of the chemo drugs listed and even works with Tumor necrosis factor, a factor in blood.     Triptolide synergy with chemo drugs are multiplied many times which is the reason it is a good addition to chemotherapy.

But there is a difference, chemotherapy are always administered at the toxic dose. Dr. Rosen's discovery is chemo with Triptolide makes it possible to work at the nontoxic dose.

Remember to take Oriel formula with TTG which contains the Thundergod vine & triptolide


Price:  $90 per bottle, 100 capsules/ bottle.

If I were to choose just one remedy, this is the one I will pick.  Do follow the instructions.

10.)    TTG Formula – ingredients – Thunder God vine, Turmeric , Ginger & Baicalin. TTG are the first letters of the 3 main ingredients - Turmeric, Thunder God vine & Ginger – these are herbs that have the most activities working against cancers. These activities target the genes, cancer enzymes, proteins involved in cancer and several processes and chemicals that are connected with cancer growth & similar actions. Once you understand that Turmeric is number 1, Ginger -number 2 & Thunder god is number 3 of several activities in the cancer cell, you may realize, this is a formula you may want to try. Understand that Tarceva works in one way against cancer, think in terms of plants that are able to work in multi-actions - the multi-action herb makes really good sense.


TTG Formula only - $90
The supplier, Lux Health give a discount when customers order both products.Price for TTG & Oriel Herbs together – one bottle of each - $135.

9.  Euphorbia hirta  -  there is literature that many Euphorbia plants are poisonous but this one is an exception.  It is used for cancer and various other ailments which means it is available from many sources.

Some sell this as dried herbs by the pound and others as capsules usually 500 mg. per capsule.   The usual adult dose for cancer is 1 gram a day as decoction or take the 500 mg caps . twice a day. It enhances production of Interferon-gamma by lymphocytes. There are a few articles of getting cancer cures from using E. hirta. However, in most cases, this herb just like Astragalus & should be used together with other formulas to get better treatment results.



10.  ) bitter apricot kernels  - source of amygdalin/ laetrile.
If you get apricot kernels and it does not have that bitter taste, it probably does not have amygdalin to go against the cancer.

Amygdalin or Laetile works with the release of cyanogen in the cancer cell and poisons the cancer. Normal cells are able to neutralize the cyanogen better than cancer tumors.


I actually took bitter apricot kernels but somehow was not getting the results that I was expecting. It took me a long time to understand but now, it turns out, there are many bitter apricot seeds. Apricot from various sources differ in the active ingredient. I found that the range of amygdalin content in bitter apricots is roughly 1,500mg/kg to a high nearly 70,000mg/kgIf the content is low, you will not get positive results and it is quite hard to tell which sources have enough amygdalin compared to others.

If you are taking this, be sure to take enough sulfur – amino acids such as methionine, cysteine or glutathione. You need the sulfur in the amino acid to neutralize the cyanogen. Amygdalin can pose problems if one takes large doses of vitamin C.  The reason is large dose Vitamin C sequesters the sulfur amino acids methionine or cysteine.  I read this at curezone.

See website on apricot kernels have different amgdalin content:



13. Paw Paw and Graviola Cell -Reg -  acetogenins from Paw paw  by Nature's Sunshine
Paw paw and Graviola are plants that belong to the soursop family and as such their active ingredients works similarly on cancer cells.  PawPaw is found in North America while Graviola grows in South America.
Both have fruits that have characteristic flavor and are edible , the fruits also contain the active ingredients that have anticancer activity. 

Acetogenins work by interfering with the ATP in the cancer cells and prevent the cell from utilizing energy. The capsules are standardized at 12.5 mg. of active ingredient per capsule and the dose is 4 capsules a day. According to  JerryMcLaughlin  who studied the effects of acetogenins, the acetogenins from pawpaw have better effect than the graviola species. 

I have used Paw Paw for 3 months.  I felt no improvement.
Actually I thought it was not powerful enough.


Note:  It is advisable not to use Burdock Root or the Essiac Formula which contains Burdock which interfere with pawpaw's active principles.


Cost for one Month supply:  

Amazon is now one of the sources natures-SUNSHINE-Cell-Reg-Capsules-Count




14. ) Rhodedendron caucasicum – is a plant that grows in the elevated area of Georgia, formerly Russia and called Snow Alpine tea often taken as tonic by folks who claim it is good for health and longevity. It may be true since many inhabitants from Georgia do live long lives. Rhododendron is known as an adaptogen, a tonic, a remedy to lose weight and as treatment for cancer.


There is a story of a lady with breast cancer and chemotherapy ended. But w/ chemo ending in failure there was nothing more to treat the cancer. She made up her mind to try Rhododendron Alpine tea and has continued to live for years and years using this Alternative cancer remedy.

Rhododendron is also combined with Rhodiola rosea to lose weight. However, alone, Rrhododendron tea can be used as therapy for various cancers. It contains taxifolin which is rare among plants and taxifolin has good anticancer and anti-Tumor qualities. Rhododendron caucasicum is safe for use and can be used long term.

I read about Rhododendrons grow in other parts of the world but the best ones for treatments as well as for living healthier lives is the plant harvested from Russia especially at elevated levels and harvested at spring time. This are the ones that have the highest content of flavonoids and taxifolins.



 15.) Formula G18- made by the company Fight Cancer Today, Inc,. from Florida, U.S.A. According to them the raw materials are from plants they grown in the PHilippines. It was invented by a herbalist studying ancient Asian medicine - the ingredients are not mentioned but are suppposedly from fruits, vegetables , spices and herbs.

But there is not enough info about the plants or herbs.

They have many testimonies that the formula works.

. ) LIFEONE from Mexico



Coriolus Versicolor - Chinese herbal mushroom with anticancer effects

Diindolymethane (DIM)


- Turmeric Extract (Curcumin)


Green Tea Extract containing epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)

- L-Selenium Methionine

Other Ingredients: Water, Liposomal Matrix (Lecithin Complex with Phosphadidyl Choline and Phosphatidylserine), Natural Flavors, Stevia, Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate (as preservatives)




17. ) Escozine \
The original product was Escozul Escozul is coined from two words Escorpion and Azul meaning blue scorpion and its Venom from Cuba.

It is simply water with a few drops of scorpion venom added and taken orally for various cancers. There seems to be good results with some forms of cancer including brain cancer and even other ailments such as HIV/AIDS.

50,000 patients are said to have taken the treatment. The Cuban product has been replaced by a similar one now called Escozine from the Dominican Republic where the blue scorpion Rhopalurus also exists



Has there been cures using blue scorpion venom? Yes, there are some cures using escozul /Escozine. Escozul is a medicine of hope for some cancer patients.

Have the manufacturers found a cure for cancer?

We have not found a cure using Escozine but lt has good results and earn

a reputation of improving cancers. People's tumors have shrunk is what others are saying and reporting.

A person with an aggressive cancer 80% mortality rate got good results with escozul/escozine


You have to read their website very well = EscoZul has a success rate of 89% - but this is not cure – this refers to quality of life so it should be clear that they were not refering to the cure rate.




18. ) Carnivora from Germany– Extract from Venus Fly Trap plant available in capsules and Extract solution.

The manufacturer of Carnivora claims that there are other companies that make a similar formula from venus fly trap

but is not the same. However, the company did not explain what makes their product different from others who use the same plant ingredients.

Carnivora is interesting also because it can be used to treat HIV and AIDS syndrome.

Researcher, Dr. Keller believes the key compounds are droserone (D), plumbagin (P), and hydroplumbagin. These compounds are the same substances found in other carnivorous plants. It is believed that the Venus Fly Trap gets all its Nitrogen requirements from insects. It uses its juices -enzymes to digests insect cells and in similar fashiion this digestive juices may also act on cancer cells which do not yield to our immune system attack but Carnivora may do the job of changing that. Carnivora is also said to work by strengthening the immune system. – website tells more about Carnivora



19. DCA - Dichloroacetate available as Sodium Dichloroacetate.


Dr. Michelakis of the University of Alberta has been researching DCA on animals since 2007. Their work seems exciting but there are problems.

If people administer higher than the 8 mg./Kilo , there is a possibility of neurotoxicity from inability to use thiamine, vitamin B1. This problem is not resolved by administering DCA together with thiamine.


I understand that if one follows the dose of  8 mg./Kilo of body weight a day, then this cancer remedy is nontoxic and can be taken without untoward  effects even for long term use.

There seems to be problems with using DCA since many did not get improvement using the 8 mg./Kilo dose.

It would be tempting to try DCA at a higher dose but this is not safe.


However, one research found that DCA did not increase apoptosis, instead it reduced apoptosis in cancer, see



I have used DCA for 2 months and 3 weeks. I felt little improvement.

Others may have better experiences.




20.) hydogen peroxide – chemically written H2O2. The use of Hydrogen peroxide is with the conviction that oxygen is more hazardous for the cancer than for normal cells.

According to the sources, you can not use the hydrogen peroxides at local stores or drug stores because they contain stabilizers and this is not suitable. The Hydrogen peroxide meant for therapy is a strong concentrate about 35%. You start with the concentrate and dilute it according to the instructions. The treatment means you create a tolerance and with a number of days using the diluted peroxides, in increments you increase the strength until you have reached a certain level. My info on this is lacking. Also there is no info about how many have got total healing, failure rate, most of the info is just doing the treatment and little more.


21. Noscapine – is from the opium poppy – papaver plant but is nonaddictive and not the same as opium or narcotic drugs. It is an ingredient that has been used as couph syrup. Noscapine works by binding to tubulin similar to Taxol but it is not toxic.

    It has some effectivity against cancers since tests show it can cause apoptosis of tumors cells. It has been tested for several cancers including breast, bladder cancers & brain tumors including GBM.

    However, noscapine is not available anywhere in North America.

    I list it here, who knows it may become available in the future.


22. Prostacaid -Prostate formula – contains several mushrooms , african plum bark and other plant ingredient. This is the formula by Dr. Isaac Eliaz who has studied several plant and mushrooms and included them in his formula.

    The formula has been tested by Dr. Daniel Silva calling it a botanical formula saying it effects several genes and processes in cancers.

    It is interesting since the formula does several things against cancers.

    However, this formula is only for prostate cancer.


I believe I have listed many of the cancer alternatives.  there are more but
22 are enough.
If you have something important to add, contact me by email at


 g_maccormick ( at )



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